Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Carpe Diem #1113 Teachings of the Pilgrimage

My response to Carpe Diem #1113 The Pilgrimage starts — the prologue

teachings of past times
working to capture the sword
beware of pitstops
as life does not come easy
challenges are always there

This month Chèvrefeuille will walk the road to Santiago de Compostela as we read The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho.


  1. Thank you Sara for commenting, so pleased you commented. It is an interesting little poem 31 syllables, can tell quite a story.
    Happy days writing.

  2. Awesome tanka Elsie with wise words.

  3. Thank you Kristjaan, appreciate those kind words especially coming from you, my teacher. I enjoy your writing and prompts very much. Have a nice weekend.
