Friday, January 27, 2017

Carpe Diem #1136 - Imagine This

In Lesson 1116 we studied Saint James Scallops, the lesson for today is:- to trigger our inspiration, your muses with some more beautiful images along the Road to Santiago. 

Here is a paragraph from the study.
Mme Lourdes took a hat and a cape from the box.
 They seemed to be very old but well preserved. 
She asked me to stand in the middle of the room, and she began silently to pray. 
Then she placed the cape on my shoulders and the hat on my head. 
I could see that scallop shells had been sewn onto both the hat and the shoulders of the cape. 
Without interrupting her prayers, the old woman seized a shepherd’s crook from the corner of the room and made me take it in my right hand. 
A small water gourd hung from the crook. 
There I stood: dressed in Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt that read ‘I LOVE NY,’ covered by the medieval garb of the pilgrims to Compostela.
(Source: The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho)

I have three picture which I’m sharing with you.
The first one is Backpacks with the Scallop Shells on.

This is my Tanka poem I wrote for that 1116 lesson, which suits the Scallop symbol nicely.
mme lourdes ask questions
scallops symbol for pilgrims
register the walk
no guide without the password
swear obedience to your guide.

These two pictures are signs with the scallop shell on them that you may see if you walk the “Road to Santiago”.

New Tanka for the signs.
imagine seeing
signs along the way like this
highlight feeling good
scallop symbols exciting
the road to santiago