Saturday, November 10, 2018

Carpe Diem #1541 Late Autumn Evening

The challenge today is to create a short renga with the given haiku, both themed "evening", with a maximum of eight stanza and at least four stanza.

Here are the two haiku by Jane we worked with: they are in red, my reply is blue.
© Jane Reichhold

Late Autumn Evening

evening comes
wrapped in sea fog
tied with webs

falling on my damp body
as the moon hides behind clouds

evening sea fog
descending into sun-dried grass
sweaty lovers

lay quietly wrapped together 
moist evening air cooling them

How to create a Renga, one poet writes the first stanza, which is three lines long with a total of seventeen syllables. The next poet adds the second stanza, a couplet with seven syllables per line. The third stanza repeats the structure of the first and the fourth repeats the second, alternating in this pattern until the poem’s end.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Linda, so happy you have remembered me on Blogspot. Hope your weekend is perfect and it's not too cold for you yet.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Kim, I appreciate your comment, it's nice meeting you again. Happy days with lots of peace my friend.

  3. Hi Elsie...glad to see you here :)

  4. Carpe Diem: 'Seize the Day'!!!
    That was my passed-away girl's
    favorite expression...
    Thank you.
    Love you.
    Cya soon.
